July 27, 2024 1:51 pm

75F Smart Innovations India Pvt. Ltd

Transforming Building Management with 75F’s Innovative Network Operations Centre

Mr. Mahesh Reddy – Head of Customer Delight,
75F Smart Innovations India Pvt. Ltd.

75F, a full-stack, IoT-based Building Management System that uses smart sensors and controls to make commercial buildings healthier and more comfortable, healthier, efficient, and durable than ever before, had launched its Network Operations Centre (NOC) in late 2022. An initiative by the customer delight department, it was instituted to ensure better customer servicing, energy savings, and increased efficiency in commercial buildings with HVAC systems. Keeping customer experience and energy savings goals in mind, the NOC monitors all their sites in real-time and has an omni-channel helpdesk to make it easier for customers to reach them.

Underscoring the pivotal role of the company’s NOC in energy management and comfort optimization, Mahesh Reddy, Head of Customer Delight at 75F, asserted that it transcends conventional service provision to deliver transfor-mative solutions that yield tangible outcomes. “Rooted in an unwavering commitment to excellence, every facet of its operations embodies proactive monitoring, AI-driven insights, and tailored interventions, epitomizing a paradigm shift in building manage-ment,” he added. “Through real-time tracking of energy consumption and occupant comfort, potential issues are pre-emptively identified, thus averting escalations and ensuring sustained efficiency.”

Leveraging cutting-edge AI and ML algorithms, 75F not only optimizes efficiency, but also fosters occupant well-being by maintaining optimal environmental conditions. The holistic approach to comfort management extends beyond temperature control, embracing a comprehensive vision of health and satisfaction.

Mahesh Reddy also stated that at the heart of 75F’s services lies a dedication to energy efficiency optimization, meticulously analysing data trends to identify avenues for improvement. “This not only diminishes carbon footprints but also substantially reduces operational costs,” he said. “The profound impact of 75F’s initiatives is underscored by staggering statistics, including the saving of over 5 million kWh of energy, a remarkable 20% reduction in operating costs, and the elimination of 4,000 tons of CO2 emissions. These accomplishments stand as a testament to the efficacy of their approach, simultaneously enhancing clients’ bottom lines and safeguarding the environment.”

75F dashboards spotlight the energy, sustainability, and connectivity trends of the site. Source: 75F Facilisight.

Central to their client engagement strategy is a robust notification management system, ensuring transparent communication and real-time updates on building performance. Whether it be opportunities for energy conservation or maintenance require-ments, clients remain informed every step of the way. Moreover, 75F offers customized dashboards, empowering clients with granular insights into energy usage and comfort levels, thereby facilitating informed decision-making and proactive optimization efforts. To further bolster transparency and accountability, the company furnishes detailed monthly reports elucidating air quality, comfort indices, and energy performance, thereby facilitating conti-nuous improvement and refinement.

In essence, the NOC for energy management and comfort optimization epitomizes more than a mere service provider; it embodies a trusted ally in the journey towards sustainability and operational efficiency. With a proactive ethos, state-of-the-art technology, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, 75F has been pioneering the future of building management, one optimized system at a time.

75F Smart Innovations India Pvt. Ltd.
Web : www.75f.io/en-in/

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